Well, I was actually back yesterday, but it took a little while for me to get going what with being the only one in the office and all.
A whole lot of unpacking and sorting and squishing and reorganising later I seem to have fitted all my new and previously-stored-at-my-sister's-place stuff into the limited cupboard space that I have. Phew, hard work!
Thoroughly spoilt and one or three kg's softer than I was 3 weeks ago, I am back and READY.
Apart from the obvious eery silence in the office there are a few benefits of being what seems like one of the only people in Joburg already at work. For starters, there is no traffic. This could also be because schools haven't gone back yet, but I'm going to just stick with the holidayness everyone is still stuck in.
I can sleep in and still get to work before 8am! What?
All in all, not a bad "
Willkommen zurück in Joburg"
I do find it a little funny to think about this time last year -freezing cold, attempting to ski and full up of cheese, wine and baguettes- and then think about this year - boiling hot, attempting to work and full up of turducken, wine and brushcetta. And if you had asked me then if I could see where I am now I would probably have stuck my head in the snow and said noooooooo.
So. Nostalgia aside.
I hope your dreams come true, you catch those goals, you smile a lot, laugh a lot and drink delicious wine.
Let's do this thing!